Manhole Cover Removers

Manhole Cover Removers
"EASY OFF" MANHOLE COVER REMOVERS: This lightweight durable tool is versatile enough to remove even the most stubborn manhole covers. Constructed of heavy walled steel tubing, it is reinforced at the stress point by an extra wide extruded collar which provides 360 degree contact with the shaft. The chain and hook are made from high grade steel, and hardened to provide long term service. Email government and military quotes to:

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Allegro 9401-28S Heavy Duty Magnet, (lift weight: 900 lbs. flat items, 450 lbs. round items)
Allegro 9401-29 Large 10" Puncture Proof Wheels, Magnetic Lid Lifter
Set of 2 Wheels
Allegro 9401-30 Storm Grate Lifting Adapter, Magnetic Lid Lifter
Allegro 9401-31 Spreader Bar, Magnetic Lid Lifter
Allegro 9401-32 Hook, Magnetic Lid Lifter
Allegro 9401-33 Extension, Magnetic Lid Lifter
Allegro 9401-35 Compact Lid Lifter

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