Cold Cups, Hot Cups & Lids
World Centric is excited to announce our new print for clear compostable PLA cold cups pictured to the left! We will be phasing out our old print to a more modern look. This means that for an interim period of time, you may receive cups from either the old or new design as we move towards integrating all cup lines with the new design pictured (left). As our product line is quite extensive, we aren't able to separate orders based on design. Thanks for understanding; we hope you enjoy the new design as much as we do!
World Centric biodegradable and compostable cold cups are made from NatureWorks polylactic acid (PLA), which is derived from plants grown in the USA. Our cups meet the most stringent scientific requirements for biodegradability and compostability, and are ASTM D6400-99 certified for "compostable plastics". Even though they are as light and strong as plastic, they fully biodegrade when composted.
Our cups:
Are best used for beverages below 110F
Need to be stored below 110F and away from heat, hot surfaces and direct sunlight
Instead of using petroleum based plastics which create toxicity and environmental pollution, you can now use our compostable alternatives.
These products are BPI (Biodegradables Product Institute) Certified.
Please note that composting is required for biodegradation. These cups will biodegrade within 180 days in a commercial composting facility but can take up to a year or more to biodegrade in a home composting system.